Started by S1r_4zdr3w, Nov 16, 2024, 04:14 AM

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Hi Tauists, for those who want to start playing with the Tau Language REPL, right now you need to have Linux OS. Later I will make a video and write the link for you to watch the step-by-step tutorial how to run Tau REPL in Windows using Ubuntu under Virtual Machine. In the future development, Tau REPL can also run on different OS.

To install Tau REPL
1.) git clone
2.) cd tau-lang
3.) ./

To run Tau REPL
1.) cd build-Release
2.) ./tau

To quit Tau REPL
1.) type q

To see your current version
1.) type v

the current version as I made this was 9ddbda6

To start playing the Tau Language Demos
1.) cd tau-lang/demos                   # go to Tau demo folder
2.) dir                                          #  see the files you want to run
3.) ./ <demo_name>           # this is to run the demo
4.) type any key                           # the demo will run step by step

To update Tau REPL
1.) git pull
2.) ./

Thank you!
Tau Net | Agoras | WebsiteTelegram


Hi guys, there are new updates and changes.

Right now, it's easier to install Tau REPL. I made a short video for you.

This video is for educational purposes.

I hope it helps. Thanks!  :)

Right now, the Tau dev is fixing some bugs. You can help if you find some bugs, you can post it on this link for the devs to see and check and fix. 

OS: Linux Ubuntu 22.04.4 amd64
1.) wget
2.) sudo dpkg -i tau-0.7-Linux.deb
3.) tau

OS: Windows 11
1.) go to github
2.) Click Windows Installer to download
3.) Run the tau app

To get the latest update, go to our Telegram group channel. 
Tau Net | Agoras | WebsiteTelegram


Thanks for one of the suggestion of our community member in our Tau Dev Chat in telegram <ptt kk> I am no able to run the

Before I had a problem running it but I think its because of this code that's why I was able to run it.
I'm not sure if this help or there are updates made. What's important is its now working.

In Linux Ubuntu, type in
sudo apt install build-essential

# this is to make sure I am not missing any sth basic in my VM

Next is this, type in
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev build-essential

Then I type in,
To update Tau REPL
1.) git pull
2.) ./

To install Tau REPL
1.) cd tau-lang
3.) ./

To run Tau REPL
1.) cd tau-lang/build-Release
2.) ./tau

Tau Net | Agoras | WebsiteTelegram